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Info related to F5 BIG-IP Load Balancers.

FIXME - formatting issues.


Disable paging

For a single command you can use tmsh -q.

For a permanent change use tmsh modify cli preference pager (disabled|enabled).

List pools that contain a member

tmsh -q list ltm pool one-line | grep -E '($node_hostname|$node_ip)' | awk '{ print $3 }'

Create node:

create ltm node NODE_NAME address NODE_IPADDRESS monitor icmp

Modify or create pool:

modify ltm pool POOL_NAME members add { NODE_NAME:PORT NODE_NAME:PORT }

create ltm pool POOL_NAME members add { NODE_NAME:PORT NODE_NAME:PORT } monitor tcp_half_open

show ltm pool POOL_NAME  members | grep MEMBER

Find the virtual servers using an SSL profile

tmsh list /ltm virtual /Partition/* | grep -E "virtual|SSL_PROFILE_NAME"
ltm virtual /Partition/VIRTUAL_SERVER_01 {
ltm virtual /Partition/VIRTUAL_SERVER_02 {
ltm virtual /Partition/VIRTUAL_SERVER_03 {
ltm virtual /Partition/VIRTUAL_SERVER_04 {
        /Partition/SSL_PROFILE_NAME {
ltm virtual /Partition/VIRTUAL_SERVER_05 {
ltm virtual /Partition/VIRTUAL_SERVER_06 {
ltm virtual /Partition/VIRTUAL_SERVER_07 {
        /Partition/SSL_PROFILE_NAME {
ltm virtual /Partition/VIRTUAL_SERVER_08 {
        /Partition/SSL_PROFILE_NAME_BONUS {
ltm virtual /Partition/VIRTUAL_SERVER_09 {

The virtuals followed by the indented profile name are the ones using that profile.<br> Note: This can turn up other profiles that match, like the one named SSL_PROFILE_NAME_BONUS in the example.

Show TCP connections

[ K53851362: Displaying and deleting BIG-IP connection table entries from the command line]

Show TCP connections to VS<br />

tmsh show sys connection {cs-server-addr protocol tcp}

Show connections to a pool member on port 443:<br />

tmsh show sys connection {ss-server-addr ss-server-port 443}

Count connections to a pool member:<br />

tmsh -q show sys connection {ss-server-addr} | awk -F ":" '{print $1}' | sort -u | wc -l

Clear TCP connections to a VS

Same as above but “delete” instead of “show”.


A command that F5 wanted run when a box had high CPU.

ps aux > ~/$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname | cut -d'.' -f1)_ps.txt

SSL Troubleshooting

curl -k https://URL_OR_IP/ curl -iv https://URL_OR_IP/ openssl s_client -connect URL_OR_IP:443 -prexit


Date Format

set var clock format [clock seconds] -format {%d-%m-%y:%H:%M:%S %Z}
11-08-14:00:49:41 PDT

set var clock format [clock seconds] -format {%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z}
11/Aug/2014:13:35:34 -0700

Note: The second option is CLF (Common Log Format), which is used in [ apache's access logs].

Displaying all IP addresses in the BIG-IP configuration

[ K34314310: Displaying all IP addresses in the BIG-IP configuration] show /sys ip-address show /sys ip-address all-properties

Map from CLI

List all the VS and Pool members in one command. It's not quite the Map but it's close enough.

tmsh list ltm virtual all-properties one-line | perl -ne '($vs) = /ltm virtual (\S+)/; ($dest) = / destination (\S+)/; ($pool) = / pool (\S+)/; { print "$vs $dest $pool\n" }' | (while read vs dest pool; do members=$(tmsh list ltm pool $pool members | perl -ne 'if (/^        (\S+) {/) {print "$1\t" } elsif (/ address (\S+)/) { print "$1\t" }'); echo $vs $dest $pool $members; done) > /var/tmp/virtuals.csv
f5/start.1693058601.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-08-26 14:03 by dave

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